Monday, March 29, 2010

And a Mighty Grand Canyon It Is

I know, I know. It's kind of corny to post two posts at the same time, but I had no choice. No internet=no post=post twice the next day. Anyway, we had a blast in Vegas. Our gracious hosts put their bedtime on pause to drive us down the strip, after they filled us with wine and delicious food. We got to bed late, and woke up a little later than we'd hoped for, but it's okay. Sleep is important too.

We also broke down and bought a GPS. We were using Jim's cell phone's Verizon Navigator, but it didn't work when he didn't have service, so we bought a Tom Tom. Big mistake, and I knew it. But our options at Wal Mart were limited. We returned it the next day and bought a Garmin (good old Garmin. My dad was proud).

Sunset found us at the Grand Canyon yesterday, and it was certainly a sight to behold. Neither of us had ever been there and we’d heard that sunset was an amazing time to go. From the time we got there, about twenty minutes before the sun went down to the time we left, just after it disappeared behind the trees, the colors of the canyon went from bright reds and oranges to an almost eerie deep murky red with multiple shades of a color somewhere between gray and brown. It was truly amazing. Pair that with the sheer size of the thing and we truly understood why the Grand Canyon is such an amazing feat of nature.

We also drove across the Hoover Dam yesterday, although we were too short on time to stop and see it or take the tour (as it was we BARELY made it to the Grand Canyon before sunset). It was pretty amazing, though. They’re working on the bypass, so there was construction everywhere, and even though we couldn’t look over the edge or really see the whole thing, it felt like we were in the presence of something great.

We stayed at a little bed and breakfast called the Canyon Country Inn in Williams. It is cute, comfortable and clean (the three Cs of good lodging if you ask me…yes, I just made that up). And on top of that, it was only $74 a night with tax and AAA discount. We’re about to head to breakfast, which they call “extended continental,” and then we’re on the road again. Today we will be walking through the Petrified Forest and ending up in Roswell, NM where we’re staying the night (I’m crossing my fingers that the aliens don’t part out my Toyota for their spaceship).

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